bizigo logo

Tech brand of Erka Grubu offering services in software technologies field with its specialized and experienced team.

  • 0 Million+
    Lines of Code
  • 0+
    Microservice Designs
  • 0+
    Global and Local Projects
0 Million+
Lines of Code
Bizigo Logo
A modern travel platform of Erka Grubu ensuring single-point tracking, managing, reporting, invoicing and supporting all of corporate travel processes in a few minutes.
Mice logo
One-stop brand of Erka Grubu offering end-to-end innovative activity management services to thousands of corporations with its experienced team and operational excellence approach.
Tech brand of Erka Grubu offering services in software technologies field with its specialized and experienced team.
The holiday package e-commerce platform that brings a brand new breath to the travel industry is operated by Erka Grubu.

Our Brands

Bizigo Logo
Mice Logo
Bizigo Logo